Follow Joe Hagen:
Hello, my name is Joe, and I work in a button factory... Actually I work for as a web designer, email marketer and social media manager. I design and build a lot of the stuff that you see on the site, so if you have some cool ideas, send them my way!
Leisure McKenna
Unbelievable talent you have Amanda! Your painting looks like a photo! WOW!!
Amanda Barnaby
Thanks 🙂
Jim Harris
Love this, great work Amanda
Amanda Barnaby
Thanks 🙂
Kathi Hayes
cool pix!
Amanda Barnaby
Thanks 🙂
David Gianfredi
One of the best students I have, Hope she wins !!!!!!!!
Dixie Barnaby
Amanda Barnaby is a very talented young lady.
Amanda Barnaby
Thanks so much 🙂