Learn about the customized MyMajors program and how it can be utilized by students and campus support staff.
What is MyMajors?
and how does it work...
MyMajors Overview - About
Overview document about MyMajors. What is MyMajors? What does it measure? How was it created? What is the Student result? How do colleges utilize the tool to engage students?
Our team reviews best practices from MyMajors clients on how to the get the best response from students, implementation strategies, and placement examples.
Uniformed decisions about academic pathways adds unnecessary courses and negatively impacts retention and completion. Early major exploration increases advising efficiency, and helps your students make an informed choice.
Watch a recording of the Kick Off Call overview. Our team reviews the setup process for your Private Label program, best practices, things to think about internally, and client examples that fit your overall strategy for usage on campus.
Session description: You don't need a magic spell to find a major. By creating a simple step within the onboarding process, you can guide students toward purposeful major and career decisions...