Biological Sciences Degree

Thinking about a Biological Sciences Degree? What is the salary for a Biological Sciences degree?  What are the differences in educational attainment and earnings?

Did you know with a Biological Sciences degree:

  1. 2.1 million workers hold a Biological Sciences degree (aged 25-64 and working full-time) with average earnings of $2.9 million over a 40-year work-life.
    • 960,000 with Bachelor’s degree – $2.3 million average earnings in work-life
    • 420,000 with Master’s degree – $2.8 million average earnings in work-life
    • 455,000 with Professional degree – $5.4 million average earnings in work-life
    • 255,000 with Doctorate degree – $3.5 million average earnings in work-life
  2. Physicians and surgeons with a Professional degree are the highest earners over their work-life at $6.8 million.
  3. Farmers and agricultural managers with a Bachelor’s degree are the lowest of the group at $1.9 million.

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All information was gathered by, check out their awesome Infographic below:
[Source: U.S. Census Bureau]

Biological Sciences InfoGraphic
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