How many of you have experienced a new college student’s orientation? Were all the activities organized by the committee worth attending?
Those two questions may be hard to be answered by anyone who is currently sitting in high school. Yet, envisioning the answers, I believe they will be prepared to experience how ‘fun’ college life is. As far as I know, the main goal to conduct an orientation is that letting new students to get to know their current study place and new friends. So, don’t you think it should be fun and full of joy?
Today, I just completed five-day orientation orientation in my faculty, which is Pharmacy. Many of friends kept telling me that this week had been a bulky battle on top of everything. I would not forget how much assignment the committees gave to participants, a lot, or maybe too much. However, there is always a good side of it which simply teaches me as a new student not to complain it. Being a professional pharmacist not only has to be smart, but she or he has to be a hard worker.
All my classes will not be started until next month due to Ramadan Break. I can’t wait to see how much I have changed after college orientation. Hopefully, I will be a high achieving student, academically and non-academically by the time classes start.