The waiting game…

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Hello MyMajors Readers! Another month has passed; I’m awfully tired of playing the waiting game… I don’t think I’ve learned from December, for I gave into countless hours of Internet stalking College Confidential forums again. Bad Idea. But the long … Continued

Introducing Advisor Andrea!

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I’d like to introduce our newest academic advisor Andrea from Ottawa University in Overland Park, Kansas. Andrea completed her Master of Arts in Education with a concentration in Curriculum and Instruction in May 2011. She started her career at Ottawa … Continued

Welcome Kellie!

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Please welcome our new Academic Advisor blogger, Kellie Woodle from the University of North Florida! She will be sharing her advice with the MyMajors world about advising freshman and sophomore college students and how she professionally guides them towards choosing … Continued

The Never Ending Application Process

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Hey there! Happy new year (or is it a bit late to say that?)~ Anyways, it’s been all busy busy busy these past months. I finished the last bit of my college applications this month (officially finished at about 3am … Continued