Hello all! Well, to say I have been busy is the understatement of the blessed year. After closing a very exhausting and extremely fulfilling run of Tom Stoppard’s Arcadia, I have been filling my days with the exploration of my artistic universe. That sounds extremely elitist, I apologize for that, it was meant to sound exciting like I was going on an adventure. I am currently working on about 3,457 things at once, so I actually feel like my body is slowly decomposing from stress. Just kidding, I am not stressed at all. And I mean that. I really am not. I am just having a ball.
Updates: England will NOT, I repeat NOT be happening my junior year. It will be happening my senior year now. Am I heartbroken? Well, I was. Do I feel slightly relieved that I will have more time to collect myself? Undoubtedly, yes.
Right now my life is centered around my work, in all aspects. I am in a duo with my friend and we are releasing our first EP which is both exciting and time-consuming, I am currently adapting a piece of classic literature (won’t tell you which one, spoilers!) into a web-series with my best friend, am currently undergoing pre-production of a show I will be directing this summer, as well as preparing for my Les Miserables audition, as well as other productions, and midterms and classes and papers and la la la I am insane.
I am so happy but I am so busy.
Moving on the MyMajors business!
I have something of a special circumstance in that I only applied to two schools, and was accepted to both. However, I decided against the latter because they didn’t have a strong theatre program. They had a strong musical department, but they rarely did plays or any classical work, which is where my heart is.
Gimme some Shakespeare and I will show you a good time.
So for me, the answer was obvious. I knew the faculty, I knew the campus, it was close to home. I was all set.
For you, however, it may be different. Trust your instincts, but do RESEARCH. Know each school backwards and forwards so you can make a truly educated decision. Be objective about this. Being overly emotional may not help you here. If you are head over heels in love with a school, but it isn’t the wisest choice for your possible career path, you should rethink it. Look at your options.
Now for the FUN question, yay! What chore did I hate as a kid…
All chores.
Unless those chores provided me with a chance to be alone and pretend to be someone else for a while. Those chores I loved.