Life is better in Hindsight

SunsetI respect Life. As simple of statement as it may seem, it took me a while to sum up my thoughts in just three words. I respect Life, not because of the live or let die definition of it. Not because I’m the wealthiest or most attractive person. I respect Life because it isn’t fair, it isn’t planned. Life takes no prisoners.

It has been little over a month since Hurricane Sandy hit the East Coast. Living in South Jersey I experienced first hand the effect the storm had on the region. Luckily, my town was minimally damaged. Just twenty minutes away, homes were severely flooded, destroyed. Lives were forever changed. It’s funny, even though those who lived in the path of the hurricane were warned repeatedly to leave, get supplies, and make smart decision. The storm gave no mercy. That day Life took no prisoners.

Maybe I should of started with this but I’m a man of hindsight. Maybe everyone is, but if an election was held today but the Office of Hindsight Operations, I’d probably win. I plan everything, I’m not organized, but I have hundreds list and journals and mental notes that keep me sane while making be crazy. I’m crazy, there’s nothing wrong with it, instead of trying to move away from it, I embrace it. Crazy, to me, is not just a classification to the clinically insane, to me, it is an appreciation of each of our individual uniqueness. In hindsight, planning has done nothing for me. In hindsight, Life has reaped the freshest crops because of spontaneity and adaptation. Life isn’t planned and neither should it’s players.

I’m spiritual but not religious. I believe that Life is Living. Redundant? Let me explain. Living organism are, naturally, living, definitions, simple. Life as a thought, as a feeling, as an aura, is living too. I believe everything in life is connected by a ‘mathematical’ string. Like Chaos Theory, like the Butterfly Effect, Life will happen no matter what, there is no way to prepare for it, alter it. What can be done, is altering your reaction to it. That is what life is about, reactions to actions, recovery from disaster. In hindsight I should of made different choices. In anticipation, I will make those choices.


Listen, Don't, Stop, Reading! I am trapped in MyMajors headquarters and they are forcing me to write blogs. If anyone asks, My name is Erich. I am attending Richard Stockton College in New Jersey. My major is... I don't know... It has been so long since I've seen light. Is Cyborg Development a thing yet? I can't wait to get out of here and go back to watching nerdy T.V. shows and eating spaghetti... But! I need your help! As long as you Don't. Stop. Reading MyMajors blogs there is still hope. Tell all your friends! Free Erich!

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