What should you study if you love the ocean and marine life? There are many specializations, and it goes much further than just a love for animals. It is also the study and research of human interaction with ecosystems and how they react to each other.
Marine Biology and Biological Oceanography might be the right major and future career for you!
What is Marine Biology and Biological Oceanography?
A program focuses on the scientific study of the ecology and behavior of microbes, plants, and animals inhabiting oceans, coastal waters, and saltwater wetlands and their interactions with the physical environment. Includes instruction in chemical, physical, and geological oceanography; molecular, cellular, and biochemical studies; marine microbiology; marine botany; ichthyology; mammalogy; marine population dynamics and biodiversity; reproductive biology; studies of specific species, phyla, habitats, and ecosystems; marine paleocology and palentology; and applications to fields such as fisheries science and biotechnology.
What courses would I take to learn more?
Marine Geology and Geophysics
Chemical Oceanography
Coastal Landscape and Ecology
Field Oceanography
Marine Biology
Marine Mammals
Marine Seismology
Methods and Measurements
Ocean Circulation
Ocean Circulation and Climate
Survey of Oceanography
Water Pollution
What types of students will major in Marine Biology and Biological Oceanography?
Students majoring in Oceanography are those who enjoy math and science and who have a fondness for being in the out-of-doors. Although much oceanographic work is done on board research vessels, employment on those vessels is limited for undergraduates, except as internships. Still, some opportunities exist for employment on shore-based work and research. Students who are serious about working in oceanography will probably have to commit to going to graduate school to find employment. Students are generally encouraged to focus on one of the sciences within this major.
What are some specializations in this field?
There are also other majors related to this field:
wow maby i can be that when i grow up
i like that idea