Why hello there lovely people! This month at MyMajors we are making assessments! Or should I say re-making assessments … November is the month to re-take the MyMajors quiz. Or better yet, take the MyMajors quiz for the first time if you haven’t already! So what IS the MyMajors quiz? Well I’m so glad you asked!
Here at MyMajors, our goal is to help you succeed in college. We try our very hardest to get you the tools you need or at least point you in the direction of where the toolshed is. The MyMajors quiz is one of those tools. You will fill out basic info about yourself, activities you like and dislike, how you felt about certain subjects in school, and your strengths and weaknesses in possible career areas. Although the MyMajors quiz isn’t perfect, it can help you at least begin to think about your future and maybe what majors/career options would suit you best.
When I first took the MyMajors quiz almost two years ago, I had no clue what I wanted to do. In my seventeen years of existence, I had wanted to be everything from a professional baseball player to a chef to a doctor to a NASCAR driver to a teacher to a lawyer and back again. But when it came time to really stop and think about what I should do for the rest of my life, I went blank.
Now I realize that I work for MyMajors and kinda sorta have to say nice stuff about the company … but in all honesty, the MyMajors quiz helped me a lot! The first time I took the quiz I got Speech communications, religious studies, secondary education, and American history as my top four majors. All three of these made a ton of sense considering I love talking, Jesus, and anything that has to do with the history of America (not in that order of course), but I do confess I am not majoring in any of these fields. But fear not! Let me explain!
While I was taking the quiz, I figured out what subjects I liked. So anything that I wasn’t really fond of, I should probably steer clear of in regards to a major, right? Right. So when I picking out colleges and later signing up for classes I knew what subjects or programs to focus on because I knew which subjects were important to me. So my schedule for my first semester of college included: An Introduction to Theatre, English Composition II (which you would think a professional writer wouldn’t have to take), An Introduction to the Old Testament, An Introduction to Psychology, and American Government. And during this first semester I have figured out even more! I realized I love Theatre, despise English and writing papers, am very interested by the Old Testament, think Psychology is awesome!!, and am fascinated by the founding of our government. So, that being said, while I love all the things MyMajors told me I would, I figured out a way to combine them plus some other things I discovered I liked even more!
And that, dear readers, is the story of how I ended up being a Psychology major, Youth ministry minor, a writer for the HPU Office of Marketing and Communications and a Theatre Fraternity pledge. But since my goal is to be a high school counselor, I have to get a secondary teaching certificate and pick a field to teach. Guess what my field is? American history! Pretty crazy right?! So after all of that happened, I decided since re-take month was coming up, I’d re-take the test and see what would happen this time.
Funny story … I got almost the exact same results!! HA! See? Told ya it was funny story 🙂
The moral of the story is: GO TAKE THE MYMAJORS ASSESSMENT QUIZ SO YOU CAN TELL FUNNY STORIES TOO!!! Not really, but it is an added bonus to having a clue when the ten-thousandth person asks you what you’re doing with your life.
You’re welcome 🙂 from MyMajors to you!
Is that headline an “Old Gregg” reference? If you don’t know what that means, then pretend I didn’t ask.
Wow, great article! I’ll definitely think about taking the quiz!
Thanks so much Caleb!