A program of study that prepares individuals to assume roles as health/wellness professionals in private business and industry, community organizations, and health care settings. Includes instruction in personal health, community health and welfare, nutrition, epidemiology, disease prevention, fitness and exercise, and health behaviors.
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This major is one, which is dedicated to public service. It depends upon which area of specialization a student chooses, but each is a health service either to individual persons or to communities or other large groups of people. Courses in medicine, math, and other high level study classes will be taken, which require dedicated study. Health sciences majors must be concerned with the well-being of other people, study in these majors normally requires a strong scientific attitude.
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Various specializations related to a major in Health Sciences may be offered by colleges and universities. These specializations may be of greater or lesser interest to you. A few of these specializations related to this field include, but are not limited to: