Mining Engineering Major

Description: A program that prepares individuals to apply mathematical and scientific principles to the design, development and operational evaluation of mineral extraction, processing and refining systems, including open pit and shaft mines, prospecting and site analysis equipment and instruments, environmental and safety systems, mine equipment and facilities, mineral processing and refining methods and systems, and logistics and communications systems. Is Mining Engineering the right major for you?
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Mining Engineering Major

What Kinds of Students Major in Mining Engineering?

Mining majors should have a strong interest in the sciences, generally, and in geology, in particular. An equally strong background in mathematics is essential. Mining engineering also requires a strong background in computer applications, economics, communication skills, and physical sciences, particularly physics, and chemistry.

Is Mining Engineering the right major for you?
Take the MyMajors Quiz and find out if it is one of your top recommended majors!

What Courses Do Mining Engineering Majors Take?

The required and elective courses you would take for Mining Engineering majors vary considerably among institutions. Courses are listed here that are illustrative of the breadth of topics you are likely to experience were you to major in this field.

  • Fundamentals of Engineering
  • Land Reclamation
  • Mine Planning and Design
  • Mining
  • Principles of Mineral Processing
  • Rock Mechanics
  • Structural Geology
  • Surveying
  • Underground Mining Methods