Barrett and Company School of Hair Design

973 South Main St. Kimberly Square
Nicholasville,KY 40356-2152
(859) 885-9136

Barrett and Company School of Hair Design


Tuition data is not available for this school

*Click here to visit the official net price calculator for this school.

Financial Aid and Loans Awarded


Average Amount of
Aid per Student

of All Undergrads
Receiving Aid


Total Undergrads
Receiving Aid

Alternative Tuition Plans

Tuition payment plan

Estimating Your Costs

Costs, policies, and programs are subject to change, so please confirm important facts with college admission personnel. Use this school's Net Price Calculator to estimate your true costs based on your situation.

Contact Financial Aid

Connect with a Financial Aid Counselor

(859) 885-9136

*Data provided from the most recent IPEDS survey data. Specific costs, deadlines, policies, majors and programs are subject to change, so please confirm important details with college admission personnel.