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Client Examples

Explore | Declare | Commit

Informed to Complete

MyMajors is education's trusted partner to help students find a major on campus and improve student commitment from enrollment through degree completion.

When 50% of your incoming class is not fully confident in their major and career choice, that can impact enrollment conversion, persistence strategies, and graduation initiatives.

How does this work?

Why do institutions partner with MyMajors?

Declared is NOT Decided

MyMajors develops customized programs that guide incoming and new students to their best-fit major on campus, therefore increasing their engagement and conversion. Our goal is to engage students in a new way in the admissions process by proactively helping them explore your programs, and support current students to find the right program on campus to stay on track to graduate.

MyMajors is a National Science Foundation Grant Recipient (sole source provider).

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Results Driven

inquiries per month - stealth visitors on admissions pages (GSU)
% higher yield conversion compared to other sources (CSU)
% of undecided students declared a major after completing MyMajors (VSU)

Support for Prospective & Current Students

How we assist with enrollment & retention strategies

The simple act of engaging students to explore and affirm their majors on your campus and career pathways will increase enrollment conversions, persistence, and student success initiatives.

Higher Ed Solutions

Student Engagement Strategies

Helping students find a major and career plan is not just for undecided students. View each use case below or download a case study.

Admissions Enrollment

Engage your prospective students by helping them find a major and career pathway on campus.

Client result: CSU averages +18% higher yield when students complete MyMajors during the enrollment process. Request a client usage example PDF here.

National Student Clearinghouse result: The earlier a student completes MyMajors, the more likely they are to graduate in 4-years. High School Juniors had the highest graduation rate compared to their peers.

Marketing Communication

From emailing your names and inquiries, web placement, campus visit events, direct mail, parent/family communication, and high school marketing, your program can increase your ROI from other initiatives and engage students with your programs.

Client result: By placing their customize program on their A-Z majors page, GSU converts 575 stealth visitors on their website each month

Client results: Baylor University promotes their program throughout their .edu website and on social platforms.

Pre-Enrollment & Orientation

Early exploration and affirmation can decrease bottlenecks, major changes, and student dissatification in their courses. All students (undeclared, declared, and returning adults) should be provided with a Purpose First experience.

Client result: VSU was able to decrease their exploratory students entering the university by 55% by having new students take MyMajors before visiting with an advisor.

Exploratory & Major Changes

When students complete the program early in their academic journey, they are more likely to discover new programs and take courses that count towards their degree. We understand that students often change their majors, but with MyMajors, they can make informed decisions based on personalized suggestions.

Client result: GSU offers a GSU1010 course to help undecided / exploratory students with self-exploration and building their professional goals.

Advising and Support Efficiencies

MyMajors saves support teams and advisors an hour of advising time (NSF Research with Dr. Grupe) by collecting proactive data and with the student report, your team can use their expertise to help guide students to find their purpose on campus.

Client Result: Texas State University was able to identify 39.5% of their incoming class that was not confident in their current major. Advisors were able to meet with students about their MyMajors suggestions.

Client result: The A Center at the University of Arizona utilizes MyMajors in the major exploration process, including major exploration appointments, and a major exploration course.

Career Pathways

Majors are not Careers. MyMajors first suggests students majors to explore and associated career pathways that are a fit. Job data, state starting salary, job growth, and resources can be embedded inside your customized program.

Client result: MyMajors developed custom mapping for the United States Air Force Academy for new cadets to see career pathways inside the Air and Space Force.

New Partners to MyMajors...

Who do we support?

Our distinctive programs and personalized algorithms can recommend majors and career pathways for community colleges, universities, system-wide campuses, associations, and educational consultants.

Public & Private
Colleges & Universities
Community &
Technical Colleges
Associations, Workforce Development & Student Websites

How it works...

Step 1

We Create

Our Team Does the Set Up

The MyMajors team does 90% of the setup for your web-based program. We map all your programs and custom descriptions in the algorithm and brand the program with approved logos and identity guide. We'll also create a customized proactive in-take form.

Step 2

You Promote

You Provide Access to Students

We'll provide best practices on placement and client examples that mirror your institutional strategies. By providing the web-based program, more students are likely to engage organically with your program. Data is segmented on the back end to specific departments on campus.

Step 3

Students Engage

Empower Students and Support Staff

Students can now explore and affirm programs on your campus. Proactive data collection identifies key student concerns, goals, and interests. Overall aggregate data is provided for leadership with data on student responses (top concerns for first-generation students, major confidence, etc.).

See the Student Experience

Sample Assessments

Download Sample Report

Measures academic achievement and aptitude (GPA, courses, college-level courses) with work interests and personal preferences to suggest the top ten majors on your campus.

Private Label Assessment

Download Sample Report

Considers educational goals, work interests, extra-curriculars, and NSF-backed career cluster questions to suggest certificates, associates, and transfer degrees on your campus.

Pathways Assessment

Download Sample Report

Proactive data in-take surveys for enrollment, pre-enrollment, onboarding/orientation, advising or career services. Responses can be filtered and reported to specific contacts and departments.

Learn about MyPurpose


Analyze Trends and Data

Custom dashboards are created for reporting on student data. Slice and filter data based on student responses to help your leadership team see trends and areas of opportunity to improve student success on campus.

View Data & Usage Report Sample


MyMajors Solutions

for Higher Education

Review our wide range of programs from branded majors assessments, proactive in-take surveys, recruitment services on our public website, and web development/data visualization projects.

Private Label | Pathways | MyPurpose | Recruitment

See Higher Ed Solutions

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Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about how MyMajors was developed, differences between other assessments, integration/SSO options, and branding/customizations available.

View Frequently Asked Questions

Recordings & Best Practices

View recent best practices shared by the MyMajors team.

Uniformed decisions about academic pathways adds unnecessary courses and negatively impacts retention and completion. Early major exploration increases advising efficiency, and helps your students make an informed choice.

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Our team reviews best practices from MyMajors clients on how to the get the best response from students, implementation strategies, and placement examples.

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Top 6 Tips for Building Engaging Major Pages for Prospective and Current Students. Includes a template for working with faculty and staff.

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Client Feedback

"MyMajors often introduces new options which encourages the student to explore new areas that they may never have considered or even knew existed. Students find MyMajors easy to use and high accurate, and their advisors rely on the results to guide their students through the most important decision they will make in college."

Dr. Kathleen Shea Smith Associate Provost
(Academic Advising)

"MyMajors is very useful as a recruitment tool, as the data supports. Students who engage with the assessment progress to enrollment at a higher rate compared to all prospective students. We also use the program to convert prospects and inquiries from other sources, thereby increasing the value of those investments, too."

Colorado State UniversityAdmissions
Marketing Team

(Bluegrass) launched the MyMajors career assessment tool, which provides students with their top recommended BCTC programs. This tool is used in student orientations as well as in our first-year experience course. The results are automatically uploaded into the Starfish student tracking for advisors to access, so they can work with students more effectively.

Dr. Karen Mayo Provost
(Vice President, Academics, & Student Services)