Text MAJORS to 80802 and get the MyMajors Mobile App for free! |
Bring your 2D Marketing to LIFE
An innovative and interactive solution that will engage students on the go. The MyMajors Mobile App allows students to engage colleges and universities in a fun and innovative way utilizing the technology they take with them on the go, their cell-phone. Reporting of student activity lets you contact the students that are most interested in you. Learn More |
Featured schools can connect directly with students
Colleges profiles are sorted by geo-targeting of the student, letting nearby students connect through the App.
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Featured Schools - Profile has phone, text, e-mail and web links
Instant engagement and communication with your school through the tools they use everyday. One tough to APPLY, WEB, GET INFO and MAP your school.
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Students find schools based on location, major or “near me”.
Value for the student to search for schools and find the colleges that offer their academic major.
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One touch allows students to take the MyMajors Survey.
With over 300 data points, the MyMajors Survey recommends a major and college to students based on their academic achievements and interests. Colleges can select targeted student profiles for lead generation.
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Offer deals like merchandise discounts or free application.
Students are always looking for a deal. Offer a free t-shirt for your school, waived or discounted application fee, 25% off the online book store, or any other way for students to engage with you.
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Scan feature integrates your marketing campaigns
Scanning device within the App allows students to “activate” your ads through Image Recognition or a QR Code – they can interact with your school on demand. Use QR codes and Images on your College Outlook ads or other marketing materials.
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Major Information Pages – So…what’s your major?
Students can find Majors and Colleges that offer their intended major.
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